Jstar Academy
Drama classes for nurseries and schools

Nurseries and Schools

Not only do we offer a fantastic range of classes after school and at weekends, but we also provide classes within the education sector, which we can tailor to the setting’s syllabus

Nurseries and Schools

Not only do we offer a fantastic range of classes after school and at weekends, but we also provide classes within the education sector, which we can tailor to the setting’s syllabus. Nursery classes provide observation opportunities for key workers and we can focus on areas which you require from us (ie speech, self confidence, dance, coordination).

School classes that we currently take include LAMDA, dance and fitness classes (P.E), large and small scale choreography projects for school productions, and creativity classes for younger years.

If you would love for us to take classes in the setting that you work at, please click here (email link to info@jstar-academy.co.uk) and we can arrange a visit! Alternatively if you’d like for us to provide classes at your child’s school or nursery, please ask the appropriate person at the setting to contact us for more information.

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